Discounts and Promo Codes
Voucher Codes
Here at ‘the littlecraftybugs company’ we always strive to give you the best prices on all our products.
At times we do run special promotions or seasonal sales. However, some discount voucher websites claim to have discount codes for our website but these are not real. Any genuine promotions or codes will only be advertised by us through our social media pages, email newsletters, on leaflets we send with orders and/or on our site itself.
Discount or promotional codes cannot be used on sale priced items, bespoke orders or against delivery costs unless otherwise stated, and will not be honoured retrospectively.
Current Promotions
The BIG Craft Sale - Stock up with big discounts on end-of-line and discontinued items.
£2 and Under Sale - Everything here is under £2 and once it's gone, it's gone for good.
Discount & Promo Codes - Full T&Cs
We aren't currently running any discount codes or promotions.